Monster hunter world best lance
Monster hunter world best lance

monster hunter world best lance

The Attack Charm III, with the boost from the Dober Mail and that one Attack Jewel you get as a reward from High Rank will push your Attack Boost to Level 6, which is invaluable for the Lance’s damage output. The weapon, Garon Dhara II, is also relatively easy to build, as it’s mostly just Odogaron parts.

monster hunter world best lance

This build revolves around three pieces of Kaiser gear, all of which can be obtained by farming the elder dragon Teostra. Best Beginner Lance Build In Monster Hunter World The weapon in particular is relatively easy to build towards while still offering a ton of damage. It’s also quite easy to build with, and barring some high-level jewels, you can easily finish it and get into a true endgame build faster than most other weapons. The Lance is a great weapon and a great pick up for those who want defensive options atop their offensive ones.

monster hunter world best lance

A great starting point for Lance users, with the jewel slots the only thing needing some hard farming.

Monster hunter world best lance