How to measure your height
How to measure your height

On the other hand, others claim that stand up desks are overrated and there's no scientific evidence that they improve health. In this position, as gravity pushes you to the ground, it squeezes your vertebrae together towards the ground, making you slightly shorter as the day goes on.Well, if you have the opportunity, just try it to see what works best for you! Recently, there's been an increase in interest regarding standing desks, as many reports praise their health benefits, improvement of worker productivity, and even increase in life expectancy. Through the day, when you are awake, you are typically in a vertical position. When you are sleeping in your bed at night, you are lying horizontally and the vertebrae in your spine ease apart a little. Although we can't feel it, gravity is always pushing us toward the ground. Why did you grow shorter during the day? The reason is the effect of gravity on your spine.

how to measure your height

  • If you wish, measure the difference between the two marks to see exactly how much you have shrunk.
  • how to measure your height

    You will notice that the mark you made at the end of the day is lower because you grew shorter during the day!

  • At the end of the day, compare the two marks.
  • Do this once at the beginning of the day and again at the end of the day.
  • Have your friend take the measure by placing a book flat on your head and sticking a length masking tape just below the book where it meets the wall.
  • Stand in front of a wall with your heels and head against it.
  • To ensure that the measurement is accurate, make sure that the same person measures you both times.

    how to measure your height how to measure your height

  • Ask a friend or someone in your family to measure your height at the beginning and at the end of the day.
  • How to measure the effect of gravity on your height: Top of page Measure the effect of gravity on your height You will need:

    How to measure your height